Recent News
Minnesota Discovers Silver Carp in St. Croix River
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has confirmed the first capture of a silver carp on the St. Croix River. The invasive carp was caught by a commercial angler near Prescott, Wis., during proactive monitoring in partnership with the DNR.
Ecological Risk Assessment of Grass Carp for the Great Lakes Basin
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans-Canada, along with the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, released an ecological risk assessment of grass carp at the end of January 2017.
Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee Releases 2017 Asian Carp Action Plan
The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee announced the release of its Fiscal Year 2017 Action Plan today. The Action Plan document details 60 high-priority strategic measures designed to prevent the spread of four species of invasive Asian carp in the Great Lakes.
Service Acts to Prevent Harm to Native Wildlife from 11 Nonnative Species
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today took action to help ensure 10 nonnative freshwater fish species and one nonnative freshwater crayfish species do not become established in the United States and damage native wildlife and habitats.
Illinois DNR Releases Video on Unified Method
Multiple government agencies worked together with contracted commercial fishers to remove 96,000 pounds of Asian carp in just two weeks using a method that moves fish from one end of a lake to another so they can be harvested at once.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Releases Second Annual Water Resources Reform and Development Act Report to Congress
Today the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released to the public the second annual report to Congress on activities and expenditures to manage the threat of Asian carp in the Upper Mississippi and Ohio River basins.
Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee Releases 2016 Asian Carp Monitoring and Response Plan, Including Contingency Plan
The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee today released its first Contingency Plan which outlines member agencies’ preparedness to defend the Great Lakes from Asian carp in the Illinois River system.
Completed Eagle Marsh berm blocks Asian carp pathway to Great Lakes
Asian carp have one less pathway to the Great Lakes, thanks to the completion of a project announced today by the Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee.
2016 Asian Carp Action Plan Released
The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee today announced the release of the 2016 Asian Carp Control Action Plan. Formerly called the Asian Carp Control Strategy Framework, the document outlines the strategic and coordinated actions federal, provincial, state and local partners are taking to prevent the spread of Asian carp into the Great Lakes.