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Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee uses new Dual Frequency Identification SONAR technology to detect Asian carp

The DIDSON (Dual frequency Identification SONAR) is an acoustic camera that can be used in turbid water to observe fish behavior and location in real time with minimal disturbance. Observations of fish behavior at the barrier will provide valuable information about the efficacy of the barrier for most fish sizes. Over the long term, this will be important for ongoing monitoring and risk reduction efforts at the barrier.

Without actual observation, it is difficult to estimate the efficiency of the barrier. The DIDSON allows us to examine fish responses to the electrical field in real time with minimal disturbance. In addition, the DIDSON will help with early detection efforts by allowing us to observe fish in netting locations, and evaluate the effectiveness of sampling gear.

A component of the 2011 Monitoring and Rapid Response Plan, the DIDSON is a primary example of how the Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee is exploring new technologies in the fight against Asian carp. The DIDSON was purchased by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with the use of Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funding under the 2011 Asian Carp Control Strategy Framework.