Recent News
Indiana Department of Natural Resources to erect mesh barrier to block Asian carp
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources will take a lead role in implementing a short-term step to address the advance of Asian carp up the Wabash River system and their potential movement into the Maumee River, a tributary to Lake Erie.
Governor Quinn Announces New Initiative to Control Asian Carp Population
Governor Pat Quinn today announced a new initiative to stop the spread of invasive Asian carp species into the Great Lakes.
Bighead Asian Carp Found in Chicago Area Waterway System
The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee announced that one Bighead Asian carp has been found in Lake Calumet along the Chicago Area Waterway System.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers releases Interim Report III and IIIA
The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee announced today that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has conducted two studies focused on enhancing the efficacy of the electric barrier system and reducing the risk of Asian carp reaching the Great Lakes.
Fish Sampling Operation Complete on Little Calumet River: Safety zone rescinded; waterway reopened to commercial and recreational traffic
The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee wrapped up a successful sampling and data collection operation on the Little Calumet River in South Chicago.
Fish Sampling Effort Winds Down on Little Calumet River: No Bighead or Silver carp collected
The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee is nearing completion of a sampling and data collection operation on the Little Calumet River in South Chicago.
Asian Carp Sampling Effort Continues on Little Calumet River: No Bighead or Silver carp collected
The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee continued sampling efforts on the Little Calumet River in South Chicago.
Attention! Communities Around Little Calumet River May 20-27
Attention! On Friday May 20th the application of the fish toxicant Rotenone will take place on the Little Calumet River, for a 2 mile stretch down stream of the T.J. O'Brien Lock and Dam.
Asian carp sampling effort officially underway on section of the Little Calumet River – Uplink Satellite coordinates included
A five‐mile section of the Little Calumet River in South Chicago is now closed to all traffic for a period of four to six days as sampling efforts for Asian carp get underway.