Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Other Partners
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
The mission of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission is to protect, conserve, and enhance the Commonwealth's aquatic resources and provide fishing and boating opportunities.
Great Lakes Fishery Commission
The Great Lakes Fishery Commission was established in 1955 by the Canadian/U.S. Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries. The commission coordinates fisheries research, controls the invasive sea lamprey, and facilitates cooperative fishery management among the state, provincial, tribal, and federal agencies.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service safeguards waterways and communities from invasive species by working with our partners and educating the public. We work closely with the public and private sector partners and our network of conservation offices to conduct on-the-ground control projects and early detection surveillance and monitoring, and provide technical support. The Service also develops regulations to prohibit the importation and some transport of harmful species known as injurious wildlife and serves as a co-chair to the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force.